CELESTIAL CHURCH OF CHRIST JEHOVAH EL OLAM PARISH is located in Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, United Kingdom. It is a Parish that was birthed by  the Holy spirit, It is a place where the WORD of GOD comes alive through Evangelism, Prophecy, and Deliverance as mandated

We aim to reconcile people with our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

The Church

Celestial Church of Christ is a spiritual,pentecostal world-wide, united, indivisible Holy Church which came into the world from heaven by DIVINE ORDER on the 29th of September 1947 in Porto Novo, Republic of Benin through the founder of the Church, the Late Reverend, Pastor, Prophet, Founder Samuel Bilehou Joseph Oshoffa.   

The Church is well known with Parishes, Dioceses all over the world with its International Headquarters in Nigeria.

Vision of the Church

To evangelise the world through the proclamation of the Word – the Good News of the Messiah Jesus Christ, and of the Kingdom of God; in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, and of the Kingdom of God; in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, proclaiming deliverance to those bound by the shackles of Satan, healing the brokenhearted, the sick, the informed, restoring hope to the hopeless and those who are bound, while reinforcing the faith of all – both feeble and strong in the unfailing righteousness and faithfulness of God Almighty and Jesus Christ, the Lord & Saviour.

Primary Mission

To worship God Almighty in holiness and reverence

To Preach the good news of the Messiah – Jesus Christ and the imminent Kingdom of God through evangelism, Bible Classes, Bible Lectures, organised spiritual forums, print and electronic media.

To prepare believers for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

To work for the unity of all Christians

To organise and run schools, colleges, seminaries, and research centers.

Inculcation and restoration of Christian values into home/families, to encourage family cohesion, peace and stability in homes, neighbourhoods, and nations through prayers, counselling and spiritual ministration.

Organise charities and relief operations.

Promote crime free and drug free environments.                                                                                                                                                    


The purposes for which the church is organised are exclusively religious, charitable and educational.

The Divine Order

God called Rev., Pastor, Prophet Oshoffa on the day of total Eclipse of the sun in West Africa, when he was in the forest of Dahomey (now Republic of Benin), to purchase Ebony wood being a carpenter and timber trader, just like his father.  He was in the wilderness for forty days and forty nights.  Just as our Lord Jesus was led by the spirit into the wilderness for forty days and forty nights.  St. Matt. 4: 1-11, Mark 1:12-13, Luke 4:1-13.  Just as our Lord started his mission of redemption alone, so also did our highly esteemed Rev., Pastor, Founder, S.B.J. Oshoffa started alone, on the 29th September 1947.

The Spiritual Message

In the deep mystery of divine appearance, during prayer on the 19th September 1947, a winged Angel bathed in intense light, word came from God to the founder as follows:

“It is the wish of God to send you on an errand of preaching into the World.   Many nominal Christians there who were confronted by difficulties and problems of this world.  They run after fetish priests and other power of darkness for all kinds of assistance.  Consequently, on their death, they cannot see Christ because, by their action, Satan has left his spiritual mark on them.  To assist you in in your work so that men may listen to the fact that God has sent you.”

Tenet and Mode of Worship

The Church under the absolute dictatorship of Holy Spirit is hereby emphasized for:

The Name of the Church:

The name of the Church “Celestial Church of Christ” was revealed by the Holy Spirit through a Prophet who was held in trance for seven days.

The Tenets and Mode of Worship of the Church

Ordained by the Holy Spirit.  The rules and regulations written in the booklet of “Tents and Admission into the membership of Celestial Church of Christ.”

Mode of worship includes the setting of the Altar, and the seat therein, the number of candles used for various types of services and the seating arrangement in particular, it should be noted that the seating arrangements was revealed through a Prophetess who under the influence of the Holy Spirit in the wilderness on Friday 5th of October, 1947, sketched the seating arrangement using oranges.

The Service of the Church

Revealed through the Holy Spirit as promised by our Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:25-26)

There is an order of service laid down in the Celestial Church of Christ for different occasions such as Marriage, Funeral, Naming Ceremony, Mass in Remembrance of the dead, etc.  The order for the respective occasion is strictly as revealed by the Holy Spirit and as set out in the booklet titled “Order of Service”.


All persons who earnestly, sincerely desire to be saved looking for salvation and therefore accept Jesus Christ as the son of God and Holy conversion by taking up such duties and privileges as entailed in the fellowship and the Ten Commandments are welcome into the fold.  Celestial Church of Christ is an inclusive congregation, with the desire to observe the Tenets and Mode of Worship is welcome.

Celestial Church of Christ membership is open to all persons who earnestly and sincerely desire to be saved and therefore accept Jesus Christ as the son of God and the only Lord and Saviour of mankind.  Those who are irrevocably committed to confessing with their mouths the Lord Jesus and believing in their hearts that God hath raised Him up from the dead and who wish to worship and serve Him in the Church; demonstrating their sense of conversion by submitting to the church tenets and taking up such duties and privileges as are entitled in the fellowship.  All these are welcome.

Nobody shall be considered a member of the Church until he or she has been baptised in the Celestial Church of Christ, irrespective of any previous baptisms in any other Christian denominations.

A worshiper desiring to become a member shall:

  • Renounce membership of all secret cults, societies, and fraternities.
  • Renounce the worship of all idols and fetish practices.
  • Desist from the worship of Satan and all his works, from following any fetish priests and from engaging in magic or any powers of darkness.
  • Renounce all titles, position, or associations, which directly or indirectly conflict with the above injunctions (e.g. any type of Chieftaincy title).
  • Declare that living and dead, he is a full member of the Celestial Church of Christ and that on his death, he should be buried in accordance with the tenets and rites of Celestial Church of Christ.
  • Must have joined the church for at least one year before he or she can be baptized in the Church; and can only receive anointment at least two years after his or her baptism depending and to commensurate with his or her activities in the church.
  • Celestial Church of Christ does not encourage polygamy.
  • Shoes cannot be worn into the Sanctuary and when in your Sutana.
  • Female members cannot come into the Church during their monthly period. They are free to return after sanctification on the eighth day (Lev. 12: 1-3).
  • After delivery of a new baby, the mother shall not return to the church with the baby until after the period of purification which is the 40th day after delivery. (Luke 2:22).
  • Female members cannot enter the Sanctuary without appropriately covering their heads (1 Cor. 11:5).
  • Drinking of alcoholic beverages and smoking of tobacco products are not allowed.

New members shall normally, prior to admission as worshippers, undergo sanctification with a bucket of water, candle, sponge, and soap for spiritual purification in the church.  The prayer of sanctification shall be conducted by a Shepherd in charge of the Parish or by his appointee – using CCC hymn #8 (Exodus 30:17).

We would like to welcome you to the family of Celestial Church of Christ.  “You’re a member of God’s very own family and you belong in God’s household with every other Christian” Ephesians 2:19.

We hope the good Lord who has called you into this fold will neither desert or forsake you.  And as you tread on through the corridors of life, now armed with the gift bestowed upon you by God through this church, remember that; “in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” Rom:8:37.

For neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

May God Bless you as you join us (Amen).

Code of Conduct

The following is a summary of rules, regulations and tenets of Celestial Church of Christ.

Members are forbidden to:

  1. Commit Adultery or Fornication
  2. Drink Alcohol, Wine and Smoke Cigarettes
  3. Eat Pork & Crawling Animals
  4. Merry-go-round at night
  5. Wear transparent dress, especially for Soutana while in the Church premises
  6. Wear Red or Black apparel, except for professional reasons
  7. Sit male & female members side by side inside the Church

Spiritual Code of Conduct

Upon entering the church, at all times, but especially during church services, an individual should remember that he or she is in the House of God. (1 Tim. 3:15).  Reverence and good manners are required so as not to disturb those who are already engaged in prayer and worship, but even more importantly, as an expression of sincere fear, faith, and

Biblical Justification for Celestial Church of Christ

“The Bible says ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” John 8:32

7 Candles - The seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth” [Rev. 5:6;Zech. 4:1o; Exodus 25:31-37, Exodus 37:23, Number 8:2].
The 7 candles represents the 7 Spirits of God, which are listed in relation to the “Branch” from the “stem of Jesse” [Jesus Christ] as follows [Is.11: 1-2]:

  1. The Spirit of the Lord

  2.The Spirit of Wisdom

  3. The Spirit of Understanding

  4. The Spirit of Counsel

  5. The Spirit of Might

  6. The Spirit of Knowledge

  7. The Fear of the Lord

Wearing white garment - Rev 7:9, Rev 4:4,Lev 16:14, Rev 19:8, Matt. 17:1-2, Matt. 28:2-3, Mark 9:2-3,Daniel 7:9,John 20:11-12,

Wearing no shoes - Acts 7:33, Joshua 5:15, Exodus 3:5

Lighting candles in the altar - Rev 4:5; Zech 4:2-5

Bowing down before the Altar - Rev 4:3-10, 14:7

Chanting “Holy, Holy, Holy to the Lord of Hosts” - Rev 4:8

The eye on the Celestial logo - Rev 5:6

Using incense during services - Rev 5:8 & 8:3-5; Exodus 30:8-9; Luke 1:9-11; Exodus 30:24-38; Exodus 40:5; Exodus 31:10-11;

Malachi 1:11

The salvation of C.C.C.- Rev 7:14; Romans 8:28-30

Using of the Holy water - Exodus 13:17-21; Number 8:6-7; Exodus 27:20

Keeping the Altar light burning regularly - Lev. 24:4-6; Exodus 27:20-21

Making announcements during services - Exodus 29:7

Uses of Church oil - Exodus 29:36; James 5:13-15; Mark 6:13; Number 10:1

Stream bath - 2 Kings 5:10-15; John 9:6-11

Conducting New Moon services - Number 28:9-15; Isaiah 1:13-14; Numbers 10:1

Washing of feet - John 3:5, 14 & 15; II Kings 5:10-15; John 9:6-11

Use of palm front - Rev 7:9; John 12:12-18

Not allowing corpses in the sanctuary- Ezekiel 43:7-9

Using salt in thanks offering - Lev. 2:13; Matthew 5:18

Prohibition of  alcohol - Leviticus 10:8-11; Genesis 9:2-25

Mandatory purification for women after menstrual period - Lev 12:2-3 & 15:4-9

Use of Perfume - Matthew 26: 6-13

The seven candles; the 7 spirits of God - Rev 4:1-5, Rev 1:12&20, Zechariah 4:2, Exodus 25:31-37, Exodus 37:23, Number 8:2

Purification for service conductor - Lev. 10:3, 6:9; Exodus 10:15

Need for thanks offering - Exodus 34:20

The church as meeting place between God & His believers - Exodus 29:12-45; Hymn 5

Celestial Church and their fellow men - Roman 12:17-19; Hebrew 12:14

Holy Michael; Head of Angels of God - Rev 12:7-19; Daniel 10:21

Annual Juvenile Harvest - Mark 10:13-16; Matthew 19:13-15

Shouting of Halleluyah - Rev 19:1-7

Naming Ceremony - Lev. 12:1-8

Loin and Girdle - Daniel 10:5, Rev. 1:13, Exodus 29:5, Matthew 3:4, Acts 21:11, Psalm 109:19, Lev. 16:4

Meaning of JHS

1. Jesus Homini Saviotor

2. Jesus Heals & Saves

3. Jesus, Saviour of Humanity

Holy Rites or Sacraments

There are a number of Holy Rites or Sacrament within the form of worship in Celestial Church of Christ utmost importance.  Members shall avail themselves of the opportunity to partake in these rites or sacraments: Baptism, Holy Communion, Annual Washing of Feet, Annual Pilgrimage to Imeko, Ogun State, Nigeria at Christmas Eve, Annual Harvest Thanksgiving Service, and Holy Mary’s Day.

Days of Worship

Sundays – Lord’s Day 10:00am

Wednesdays – Service for those seeking favour from the Lord, This is usually communicated via WhatsApp

Wednesdays – Mercy Day, Communicated via whatsApp

Fridays -Special Service for pregnant women

Fridays – Power Day

New Moon Service: 1st Thursday of each Month

Scriptural Foundations of the Celestial Church Mode of Worship.

by Hon. Evangelist Imonitie C. Imoisili, Ph. D.

  1. Introduction

As the name implies, the Celestial Church of Christ (CCC for short) is a heavenly church brought down to earth. This is well captured in YHN 79 (EHN 10) as follows:

Worship ye the Lord in this holy church

It is a holy church from our Heavenly Father

We pray the Lord come to redeem us sinners

And count us amongst Thy chosen ones

Paragraph 94 of the Second Schedule of the CCC Constitution asserts that “all forms of worship in the Celestial Church of Christ are entirely as revealed by the Holy Spirit. This includes the setting of the altar and the seats therein, the number of candles used for the various types of services and the seating arrangement” (p. 30).

The founder of the CCC, Samuel B.J. Oshoffa, was born in 1909 in Porto Novo, Dahomey (now the Republic of Benin) of a Nigerian mother and a Dahomean father. His father, a Methodist, had many wives in his desperate search for a son. None came. He then prayed that if God would give him a son, he would dedicate him to His service, just as Hannah did [1 Sam. 1:10-11]. His prayer was answered and the son was named Samuel.

After his father’s death, the young Samuel took to his business as a carpenter. He would go into the forest to buy ebony and bring to town to sell to other carpenters. Each time he went into the forest, he would carry a Bible, which he read avidly. It was on one of such journeys, on the day of the eclipse of the sun (23rd May 1947), that he heard a voice. In his own words, “The voice I heard was ‘LULI,’ and the same voice told me ‘this means the Grace of Jesus Christ.’ When I opened my eyes, I saw a white monkey with two teeth each top and bottom with winged hands and feet like those of a bat. When it wants to fly, it flaps its wings forward. But it was stationary.” [CCC Constitution, Par. 16, p. 5]

He spent three months in the wilderness receiving more instructions, living on honey and water from a nearby flowing stream. In his words, “I felt no fear and I had no illness but basked in the glory of Jesus Christ” (p. 6). On 29th September 1947, while he was praying in his house with visitors and friends, he saw a winged creature “whose body was like fire and whose eyes were tiny flying towards me behind the beam of light” (p. 7). The being informed him that God was sending him on an errand of preaching to the world. To prepare him for the new ministry, he would work miraculous works of divine healing in the name of Jesus Christ. Numerous miracles, including raising the dead, followed.

In 1951, Oshoffa moved to Makoko, Lagos, Nigeria. It was there, soon after the 1954 Makoko Harvest Thanksgiving Service that Jesus Christ Himself appeared to him and confirmed, “All your services of worship in the church are acceptable unto the Father” (p.19)

Unless such claims can be verified from a reliable source, they remain mere assertions, which can be embellished by fanatical adherents or rejected by skeptics. The Scripture, the Word of God as recorded in the Holy Bible, is the only credible source that God has made available to Christians [Deut. 29:29]. In deed, for any church that professes the name of Jesus, its doctrine can be tested against the Scripture for the following reasons, among others:

  • Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith [Heb. 12:2]
  • The Law of Moses, the prophets and the Psalms are mainly about Jesus and He is their fulfillment [Luke 24:44]
  • Jesus came in flesh to fulfill the Old Testament [Matt. 5:17] and to prepare us for His Second Coming as King and Judge [Matt. 25:31-46;Jn 5:22]. That is why Jesus Himself has told us that the Scripture cannot be broken [Jn 10:35]
  • No man can lay any other foundation beyond what Jesus has done [1 Cor. 3:11]. The Scripture is a documentation of that.
  • Finally, all Scripture is given by the inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for instruction in righteousness [2 Tim. 3:16].

Within the available time, we cannot cover every aspect of the CCC mode of worship. Therefore, I intend to highlight the most obvious (but greatly misunderstood) aspects, such as:

(a)    The structure of the church

(b)   The mode of dress

(c)    The items used for worship

(d)   A typical worship service (Sunday)

Purpose of Presentation

 (a)   At Bethel, Jacob woke up and said, “God is in this place and yet I did not know it” [Gen. 28:16]. After this presentation, it is my hope that worshippers will wake up from their ignorance and lukewarmness to realize the power of God in this church.

(b)   A full grasp of the scriptural foundation of the CCC mode of worship will build self-confidence and greater faith by Celestians, especially when sharing and fellowshipping with other Christians.

(c)   The CCC is a God-fearing church, not a user-friendly one. The new knowledge will assist erring members to return to the path of reverence for God and true worship. This is well captured in YHN 54:

Worship, worship the Lord our God

Worship, worship the Lord our God

Our only Father

May the Lord show the world Heaven’s glory

That the whole world may all be trembling

Under this great power. Amen


The Scriptural Foundations of the CCC

On Friday, 5th October 1947, in the wilderness, a prophetess under the influence of the Holy Spirit used oranges to sketch the seating arrangement in the CCC (see the CCC Constitution, p.30). Other revelations (such as those through Mawunyon, the first anointed prophet of the church-see p. 25 of the Constitution) followed. By the time the church was five years old, the following features of its structure and practices had been revealed:

(a)   There is an altar area surrounded by seats for church elders. On the altar is a candleholder with 7 stands. The altar is located to the East.

(b)   The choir stand is to the right of the altar area.

(c)   The rest of the church is arrayed such that females sit on the left (North) and the males on the right (South).

(d)   There are entrances from the West, South and North in the area outside of the altar zone.

(e)   Worshippers wear white garments (soutana) but are not allowed to wear shoes when in their soutanas and inside the church.

(f)     Incense, candles, holy water, palm fronds and perfumes are used in worship and rituals.

(g)   Worshippers pray with their heads bowed to the ground.

The similarity in structure with the one shown to Moses and built by Solomon is obvious [Ex. 25:8; Heb. 9:1-10]. The CCC temple faces the East, the direction of Jerusalem. In Scripture, God commanded Ezekiel to “set thy face toward Jerusalem and drop thy word toward the holy places” [Ezek. 21:2]. Daniel [Dan. 6:10] and Jonah [Jon. 2:4] are known to look toward the holy temple in Jerusalem when they prayed. Recall that God had promised Solomon that all prayers offered in that temple will be answered because His eyes and ears will be there “perpetually” [2 Chron. 7:12-16]. Even till date, the Jews still go to the Wailing Wall, the relic of the temple, to pray when they are in desperate need. However, as Jesus has said, as long as you worship God in spirit and in truth, where you face or where you go may not be relevant [Jn 4:21-24]. But, once God commands you to do something in a particular way, the general rule no longer applies. That is why Jesus Christ has said, “whosoever shall do the will of God the same is My brother and My sister, and mother” [Mk 2:35].

Those on holy ground are forbidden by God to wear shoes, as we have seen in the cases of Moses [Ex. 3:5] and Joshua [Josh. 5:15]. The white garment is a symbol of the redeemed that are perpetually on holy ground [Rev. 7: 13-17]. It is, therefore, not surprising that God has commanded Celestians in soutana and worshippers inside the church to remove their shoes.

Let us now go into a more detailed analysis of Worship in Heaven, as revealed in the Scripture, in order to see the broader picture of the CCC mode of worship.


The Worship ‘Service’

(a)The Cherubim and the Seraphim lead off the adoration and worship with “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts” [Is. 6:3] or “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty”[[Rev. 4:8]. Other frequently heard words are “Alleluia”, “Praise our God”, and “Amen” [Rev. 19:1-6]. As soon as the Cherubim and the Seraphim raise their praise, the 24 elders fall on their faces, casting their crowns before the throne, and worship God [Rev. 4:10; Rev. 19:4], with songs in honor of God [Rev. 4:11] and Jesus Christ [Rev. 5:12-13].

(b)Much incense is offered with the prayers of the saints upon the golden altar before the throne [Rev. 5:8; Rev. 8: 8-9]. Incense is also regarded as “the prayers of the saints” [Rev. 5:8]. I wonder what they are praying for? Certainly not for themselves because they are already spirit beings. Maybe they are praying for us on earth.

(c)The worship goes on interminably [Rev. 4:11; Rev. 7:15]. It is so awesome a sight that Isaiah broke down spontaneously, confessing his sins [Is. 6:5] and John did not know when he knelt before an angel—twice! [Rev. 19: 10; Rev. 22:8].

      Implications for Worship on Earth

The following remarkable pairings should be noted:

¨      The throne and the altar

¨      The Lamb and the 7 Lamp Stands

¨      Prayers and incense

¨      Cherubim/Seraphim and the choir

¨      Elders/saints and true worshippers

God Almighty and the Lamb are on the throne but the 7 lamp stands are on the altar. Remember that they also represent the 7 Spirits of God, which are on Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. Therefore, the altar is a visible image of the throne [Ex. 20:24] and Jesus Christ is present on the altar when the 7 lamp stands are burning.

The incense goes with the prayers of the saints [Rev. 8:4]. At the same time, incense is called the prayers of the saints [Rev. 5:8]. Therefore, incense is a visible image of efficacious prayers [Ex. 30:7-10].

All the worshippers that are saints (i.e., human beings who came from the earth) wear white garments. Believers who had survived great tribulation and are now washed in the blood of the Lamb [Rev. 7:14] wear the garment. Therefore, the white garment is a visible image of redemption and the righteousness of believers [Rev. 19:8].

The pattern of the temple and mode of worship given to Moses by God are in consonance with heavenly worship [Ex. 25: 8; Heb. 9:1-10]. The major differences since Christ’s earthly mission are as follows:

¨      Instead of animal sacrifices, the Lamb “slain from the foundation of the world” [Rev. 13:8] is on the throne. The New Covenant has substituted the Holy Communion, instituted by Christ Himself, in place of animal sacrifice [Lk 22:17-20; 1 Cor. 11:23-25].

¨      The veil covering the Holy of Holies has been torn, with Christ’s sacrificial death on the Cross. So, there is now a sea of glass (which is very transparent) between the throne and the rest of the temple.

If we were to move this church in Heaven down to earth this moment, here is what we would see:

The throne and the angels would be invisible to our naked eyes

We would see the altar with the 7 lamp stands on it

The whole church would be full of smoke from the incense

The worshippers would all be in white garments

When prayers were called, the worshippers would all fall on their faces bowing towards the altar on which would be the 7 lamp stands

That is the Celestial Church of Christ for you! In place of the golden crowns, the elders attach golden frills to their loins. This is because male worshippers on earth are enjoined not to cover their heads during worship [1 Cor. 11:4].

Being representative of God’s throne, the altar can be considered sanctified (i.e., set apart as holy). Whatever touches a sanctified altar is considered sanctified [Ex. 29:37]. Under the Old Covenant, inanimate objects (such as the tabernacle and its decorations) were sanctified and in turn imparted sanctification to whoever touched them [Ex. 30:29; Matt. 23:17-22]. That was why God stayed the plague on the Israelites when Aaron burnt incense from the altar [Num. 17:42-48]. In the New Testament, handkerchiefs and aprons worn by Paul, a sanctified man of God who worshipped in the synagogue, were put on the sick who then became well [Acts 19:11-12]. Any object can be so sanctified as the Holy Spirit wills. Therefore, oil, perfumes, palm fronds, candles, crosses, incense, water, loins, handkerchiefs and any other objects used in the CCC, as long as they are directed by the Holy Spirit, are considered sanctified by God.

A Typical Sunday in the Celestial Church of Christ.

There are over 20 services conducted in the CCC, grouped into;

Daily (Morning Service) 

Weekly (Sunday, Wednesday & Friday, Prophet’s Service on Thursday  or Friday after Power Day Service, Service for those seeking God’s mercy, Wednesday, Service for Pregnant Women, Fridays ),

Monthly (New Moon Service),

Annual (Passion Week, Washing of Feet on Holy Thursday, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, Blessed Virgin Mary Day, 1st Friday of July, Christmas Service, End of Year Service, 31 December from 10.00 pm) and

Occasional (Marriage, Naming Ceremony, Burial Service, Baptism, Amissa, Foundation Laying, House/Church Dedication). Holy Communion is administered quarterly and at Christmas, End of Year, Holy Thursday and Marriage Services, etc. (see p.31 of the CCC Constitution).

However, the structure of all the services is fairly standard:

Procession→ Adoration →Confession of Sins → Thanks → Intercessory Prayers → Sermon → Thanks offering → Blessing → Grace → Recession

The Sunday Service will be used for illustration because it is the longest and most comprehensive.

The Procession

Just as Isaiah [Is. 6:1-2] and Ezekiel [Ezek. 1:4-28] had the privilege to see the Procession of God, the CCC service begins with a similar one. Worshippers form very disciplined and awe-inspiring lines, all arrayed in soutana and some in outer robes in accordance with their church-given ranks. The choir leads, followed by the lower ranks of children (female and male), elders (female and male) and the seniors (female, then male), etc. The hymn captures the essence of what is happening in the spiritual realm:

Jerih Moh Yamah (2ice)

The host of angels full of joy in Heaven

The host of angels (2ice)

They are praising God with joyful songs in Heaven

Soon, the elder with the incense burner approaches the altar to light the 7 candles, which represent the seven Spirits of God [Is. 11:2]. Then, the choir, representing the Cherubim and Seraphim [Is. 6:3; Rev. 4:8], followed by the whole congregation, sings:

Yah Rah Sah Rah

Yah Rah Sah Mattah [2ice]

Kindle the Light

Divine from Heaven above [2ice]

This hymn was descended through a Prophet who saw in Heaven a pot of incense being swung accompanied by the above song [CCC Constitution, Par. 83, p. 25]. The elder who has lit the 7 candles on the High Altar passes a lit candle to another elder to put at the West entrance of the church, a heavenly practice that you will find in Ezek. 10:7.

Recall that the 7-lit candles represent the arrival of Jesus Christ on the altar [Rev. 4:7; Rev. 5:6]. Therefore, as soon as the candles are lit, the worshippers go down on their knees and sing three times:

Yah Ramah Ih Yah Ramah [2ice]

Oh come unto the Lord [2ice]

The jingling of the bell three times follows that. Each time, the worshippers say, with their faces to the ground:

Holy, Holy, Holy to the Lord God of Hosts

[Is. 6:3; Rev. 4:8] followed by the singing of

Oh Christ my King

I will worship Thee

My Power and my Light

Thou Most Holy, Holy, Holy

[3 times]

Now, you can see how important it is to come to church on time, and certainly before the jingling of the bell. Why should you arrive after the dignitary (Jesus Christ) and His entourage are already seated? It is disrespectful [Habakkuk 2:20; Zech. 2:13]


Like Isaiah [Is. 6:5], the congregation is led by the service conductor to confess their sins, beginning with Psalm 51, and to pray for sanctification, beginning with Psalm 24 (the use of psalms in worship and in the church is well documented in Scripture [2 Chron. 29: 30-31; Ps. 95: 2; 1 Cor. 14: 26; James 5:13]). A song of forgiveness follows. This pattern is consonant with God’s requirement [Is. 1:16-18; 1 Jn 1:8-9].

Prayer of Thanks

Paul says that we should with thanksgiving make our requests known to God [Phil. 4:6]. The Psalmist asks us to offer thanksgiving to God so that He may answer us in the day of trouble [Ps. 50:14-15]. That is what the congregation does next with Psalm 118, followed by a prayer and song of thanks.

Intercessory Prayers

In 1 Tim. 2: 1-3, Paul has laid down the principles of public worship as follows: “I exhort, therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks, be made for all men, for kings and for all that are in authority.”

In the CCC, intercessory prayers begin with “Three Members’ Prayers”, preceded by the service conductor reading the royal Psalm 72. A male elder prays for “Spiritual Power and Progress.” A female elder follows with prayer for “Victory and Protection” for the congregation and the nation and its leaders. A male elder leads the third prayer for “Blessing and God’s Favor”. Then, a song for the power of the Holy Spirit is rendered.

The last part of intercessory prayers is called “Silent Prayer” [cf.: 1 Sam. 1:13] where each individual worshipper is given the opportunity to make his/her personal prayer requests directly to God. A prayer of agreement is led by the service conductor [cf.: 1 Sam. 1:17], preceded by reading Psalm 20. A song of praise rounds up this section of the worship.

The Word (Sermon)

Faith comes by hearing the Word of God [Rom. 10:17]. Two readings, one from the Old Testament and a related one from the New Testament are made. Two songs (stressing Evangelism and Faith respectively) are rendered in-between the two readings and the announcement before the sermon.

Praying the Apostles’ Creed precedes the sermon. 1 Jn 4:1-3 enjoins us to test the spirits. The true spirit accepts that Jesus came in flesh. The Creed contains that affirmation. Therefore, praying it before the sermon is to ensure that the Spirit of God guides both the preacher and his listeners.

Thanks offering

First, several collections are taken (such as offering, building fund, tithe, etc.). This is followed by thanks offering. The emphasis is on cheerful giving [2 Cor. 9:7].

Like Solomon and his congregation of old [1 Kgs 8:65-66], Celestians enjoy offering thanks to God. They sing and dance cheerfully. There can be several rounds of offerings by groups and individuals who want to thank God for His deeds or promises to them. Items used include worship items (such as incense, candles and perfumes) or consumables (such as sugar, salt, fruits, etc), as the Holy Spirit leads them.

Blessing and the Grace

The 7th worship song is on blessing or promise. Then, a closing prayer is led by a female highest in rank, followed by the Grace [2 Cor. 13:14], said by the Shepherd (leader) of the Parish, or the male highest in rank.


The recessional hymn as well as the order of departure is the same as the processional discussed earlier. The service conductor leads the prayer and gives the grace. Then, just as Joshua and his troops shouted to bring down the walls of Jericho [Josh. 6:20], the whole congregation chants 7 Alleluias to the 4 corners of the world in the following order: East-West-South-North [cf.: Ps. 75:6]


Some frequently used words during worship

In the box below, We have provided scriptural references, where available for some of the popular words used during worship. Here, I want to specifically address the use of Jehovah, Jesus Christ, Holy Michael to prefix every prayer.

In civil society, there is what is called “protocol.” When you make a speech, there is an introductory part, which is not part of the speech. But, if you don’t begin with it, you are considered rude. We begin with the highest in rank in the audience and round up with “Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen.” Thereafter, you go into your prepared speech. During that occasion, every speaker repeats the protocol, even if in varying degrees! Do we have a spiritual equivalent? After all, a prayer is a speech to God.

In the CCC, the Holy Spirit has revealed that the spiritual protocol during CCC worship consists of “Jehovah, Jesus Christ and Holy Michael.” There is strong scriptural support for this:

(a) Jesus Christ Himself says that “whosoever shall be ashamed of Me and of My words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed when He shall come in His own glory and in His Father’s and of the holy angels[Lk 9:26].

(b) Talking of His return, Jesus says “but of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son but the Father[Mk 13:32].

(c)The risen Christ who appeared to Apostle John in the island of Patmos says, “He that overcometh the same shall be clothed in white raiment and I will not blot his name out of the book of life but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels[Rev. 3:5].

(d) Paul writes to Timothy, “I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ and the elect angels…” [1 Tim. 5:21]. The elect angels, also called archangels are Michael, leader of the warring angels [Dan. 10:10-21; Dan. 12:1; Rev. 12:7], Gabriel, head of the messengers [Dan. 9:21;Lk 1: 11-38], Raphael, head of the helpers [Tobit 3:17], and Uriel, head of the angels that minister understanding to believers [2 Esdras 4:1] {Tobit and Esdras are among the Apocrypha books included in the Roman Catholic Bible}.

(e) Just as every human being has a guardian angel [Matt. 18:10], so does every church have an assigned angel [Rev. 2: 1, 8, 12, 18]. As a warring church, the guardian angel of the CCC is Michael.

Just as a speaker is able to use an introductory protocol to draw his audience’s attention, a worshipper can draw God’s attention by using a spiritual protocol. Blind Bartimaeus drew the attention of Jesus, in spite of the great noise, when he addressed Him as “Son of David” [Mk 10:47-49].

Some Frequently Used Words during CCC Worship

Alleluia-Praise God [Rev. 19:1-6]; Hosanna-Save now, we beseech Thee [Matt. 21: 9, 15; Ps. 118:25]; Ebenezer- Rock of help [1 Sam. 7:12]

Eli Bamah- God of High Places [Ezek. 20:29; Is. 2:2]

Eyiba-Lord of mercy

Eliyah- Lord of Heaven

Agashadual- King of victory

Jehovah Jecho Hirami- King of blessing

El Beraca Bered Eli- King of blessing, we hail Thee



What SBJ Oshoffa said about the cape of Choristers of Celestial Church of Christ...

The late Reverend Pastor, Prophet and Founder of Celestial Church of Christ worldwide Papa Samuel Bilewu Joseph Oshoffa in 1982 was asked to give the divine interpretation behind the choristers regalia called ‘CAPE’ shortly after the elders meeting with Baba Abiodun Alexander Bada, Ogunlesi, Agbaosi and the rest of them.

Papa coughed gently, rubbed his nose with the thumb and index finger of his right hand. He positioned himself and said ” Halleluyah, ki n to dahun ibeere yin mo fe salaye oro kekere kan nipa aso awon akorin. Gbogbo akorin ti o ba wo aso na, ki won mo wipe, aso evanjelisi (EVANGELIST) ni a gbe wo won lorun. A fi eyin dawon lola ni ati wipe, ise ihinrere ni a gbe lewon lowo lati korin ki awon eniyan le ri iwosan, ki awon alaboyun inu ijo Olorun le ma a bi were, ki awon agan le ma a towo ala bosun, ki were le gba itusile logan, ki onirobinuje le di layo, ki Emimimo Olorun Oba Alaye le ma sise re loorekoore, ati beebeelo.” Translation: “Halleluyah before I answer your question, I want to explain a small thing about the choir cape. Each choir member that wears the choir cape should be aware that it is an evangelist cloth that they are wearing. This honours them and also the work of good news is upon them to sing so that people can receive healing, so that the pregnant ones in God’s church can give birth easily, that the barren can have children, that mentally unstable people can receive relief immediately, that the sorrowful can have joy, that the Holy Spirit of God, King of life can work His work anytime and so on and so forth.”

Papa summed that aspect up by adding this clause ” Evanjelisi ni won nitori aso won ti afi fun mi latorunwa, a se alaye re ati itumo re fun mi wipe idi ti awo (colour) re ma fi ni buulu (blue) ati alawo oju orun irole (yellow) {crepuscular} lara ni wipe evanjelisi tiwon naa gbodo ni awo (colour) ti evanjelisi inu ijo maa n ni eyi ti o maa n ni buulu (blue) ati yellow.” Translation: “They are evangelists because of their robes that was divinely given to me, it was explained to me that their cape must have the blue and the yellow colour of the evening sun because their own category of evangelists must also have the colour of the line of the evangelists in the church, having blue and yellow.” He said “Superior, (that was the name he usually call Baba Bada) o ye ki oro yi ye o. ” Translation: “Superior, you must understand these points.” Bada and others nodded in agreement.

To the colours and what they signify, Papa also explained them that very day. He continued ” Gege bi mo ti n ba oro mi bo, a salaye fun mi nigba ti a fun mi ni aso akorin bayi wipe, ayanfe itumo awon awo aso na re e.” Translation: “As I was saying, it was explained to me when i was given the choir cape thus; beloved the interpretation of the colours of the cape is this.”

He said it was now shown to him with clear explanations as follows:
” Igun meta ti aso na a ni tumo si Olorun Metalokan (This means God, the Trininity: God, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit ). He said” won tesiwaju ninu iran (vision) na pelu alaye nipa Olorun Metalokan wipe igun apa otun (the right hand side) tumo si ‘Olorun Baba’ (God, The Father), igun apa osi ( the left hand side) tumo si Omo (The Son) ati igun ti o wa si igba-aya (the part towards the sternum) tumo si Emimimo. Translation: “The three angles of the cape signifies the trinity. They continued (in the vision) the interpretation of the trinity, the angle at the right hand signifies the Father, the left the son and the angle that comes to the sternum is the Holy Spirit.”
He was asked why that of the sternum carried the name ” Emimimo” (The Holy Spirit) and not the other two. Papa smiled and said ” E seun lopolopo. He continued ” idi na re : a so fun mi pe igbakigba ti won ba ko Orin, Emimimo yoo darapo mo o, Yoo si sin Orin naa lo sinu ijo Olorun ati ayika re lati se ise asepe lara awon eniyan. itunmo re niyen.” Translation: “thank you very much.” He continued, “this is the reason, i was told that whenever they sing the Holy Spirit will be joined with them, and will accompany the song into the church and the environs to work perfect works on the people. That is the interpretation.” On hearing this spiritual interpretation, they all clapped for Papa.

Papa continued while smiling and said ” Akorin ti a fi fun mi, a so fun mi wipe Olorun Metalokan yoo joko sinu aye akorin to o ba ti wo aso ( CAPE) naa, eyikeyi ti o ba fi ara re sile, ti o si ya ara re simimo yoo ri wipe a ti gbe ara oun wo.” Translation: “the choir handed down to me, it was told to me that the trinity would sit in the life of a chorister that puts on the cape , whosoever will submit himself and sanctifies his or her body will notice that he or she has been transformed.” They also clapped for him in a thunderous manner.

Papa Oshoffa also explained the meaning of colour yellow of the V-necked pattern and said ” Yellow to wa loke tumo si ilera Olorun (Health).”
He continued by saying ” awo Buulu (Blue) ti o dabi ileke nla tumo si ife Olorun (Olorun)
Translation: “Yellow at top (as the triangle) is interpreted as the health of God. The blue as the surplice is interpreted as the love of God.”

And Papa also explained the meaning of the spherical yellow at the tip of the blue and said ” itunmo yellow to wa ni eti buulu ileke nla naa ni ‘si aye’ nitoripe a so fun mi wipe aye ni irisi re fihan.” Translation: “The interpretation of the yellow at the tip of the blue surplice (the yellow at the lower side of the cape) is unto the world because it was told to me that the shape of the yellow bottom connotes the world.”

Papa Oshoffa was asked to explain in general and he said ” Kamaforogun, bi a ba bi yin leere itunmo re nigbakigba e maa wipe : Ilera Olorun pelu ife si Omo araye (tabi ni kukuru), si araye.” Translation: “Without much ado, when you asked the interpretation at anytime say: the health of God with love unto the world (or in short) to the world.”

This means ‘ the Health of God through Love to Humanity or the World.
After this, he stood up, prayed again and they chanted Halleluiah three times.

These are the words of Samuel Bilewu Joseph Oshoffa on the Cape of the choristers of Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide.


      In Summary The Celestial Church of Christ  is indeed a spiritual church and its doctrine is deeply rooted in Scripture.

      Therefore, worshippers have to come to terms with that reality or face the dangers of culpable negligence [Heb. 2:1-3]. Knowing the spiritual significance of everything done in the church enhances our respect for and fear of the Lord.

      It also facilitates our prayers being answered [Prov. 15:29]




      The founder of Celestial Church of Christ, Oshoffa was born on 19th may, 1909 in Dahomey, now Benin Republic into the family of Osofa.
      His father, Pa Osofa was a polygamist and his mother, madam Toun Alake Iyafo was one of his wives from Imeko, an Egbado town within Ogun State of Nigeria. Pa Osofa was estimated to have 39children in which Samuel was only the male child.
      Pa Osofa sent his son to Evangelist called pastor Nathaniel Yansunu of the Methodist mission in Porto-novo when he was seven years for spiritual training and to learn Christian principles.
      He couldn't withstand the domestic challenges of the mission house and he chose to return home.
      By 1922, at the age of thirteen, Oshoffa was still at home as he didn't have access to western education for reasons beyond his control. He was sent to the mission house again.
      At the mission house, Oshoffa couldn't cope with the strict disciplinary measures which a white missionary called Rev. Garner initiated. Oshoffa and others were expelled because they refuted to follow the Rev. order of assisting in the construction of a seminary.
      Pa Osofa was disheartened and decided to take his son as an apprentice being a Carpenter. Oshoffa became very good in carpentry and was one of the best carpenters in town.
      On June 15,1939, Daddy Osofa died at Port-Norvo as a result of old age. After his father's death, he began to take active part in church activities like singing, playing instruments and serving under committees.
      In December 1946, Oshoffa abandoned carpentry to take up timber business which was very profitable. He began to supply timber logs in and around Porto-Novo. He didn't have any formal education but in his short stay at the missionary house, he had learned to read the Holy Bible. He always carry the Holy book along anywhere He is going.
      Oshoffa was working in the ebony trade in 1947 when he was instructed by divine order to found a church(Celestial Church Of Christ).
      He reported that he had been searching in the forests to find the correct type of tree. He said he lost his way and had to live off the land for three months. When he emerged he was empowered with the gifts of healing and prophecy.
      His first act of healing was reportedly the resurrection of his nephew. As a result, his elder sister, Elizabeth, was the first convert. The nephew was to become recognised as the first prophet of the new church. Over the next few years, several other people were reportedly brought back from the dead by Oshoffa. Between 1947 and 1951, the church grew in the country of Benin. In 1976, it was relocated to Nigeria because Oshoffa was in a minor conflict with the government of Benin. This was timely as he was just about to be arrested. Very soon after arriving in Nigeria, Oshoffa cured a mad woman.
      Oshoffa held a public meeting in Yaba, Lagos, where those gathered reported his ability to prophecy. In the same year he again claimed a resurrection.
      The new church grew rapidly, and it gained followers across West Africa and the world. The church was estimated to have several million followers in 1998.
      In Nigeria, Oshoffa was sold a large piece of land after the owner was assisted by a "holy man's" intervention in a dream with a legal dispute. The new church continued to receive resistance from the Nigerian authorities, but it was officially recognised in 1958. He took on two partners for the church, namely Reverends Alexander Abiodun Bada and Samuel Ajanlekoko.
      Oshoffa died on 10 September 1985 after he was told of the death of his driver during an accident he was involved. After the accident SBJ OSHOFFA was taken to the hospital and later got better. He asked about the other people in the accident and he was given a bad news of their death. Therefore, to avoid any bad rumour that he used them to increase his life, he asked God to accept his soul which happened as he prayed to God. He was buried at Celestial City, Imeko .


















      Picture: Late Pastor and founder of Celestial Church of Christ.